Adult Ministry

Whether you are just starting out on your own by beginning your college career, or you are sending your kids off to college, the adult ministries here at TABC has something for you. Whatever walk of life you come from—whether you are a college student, a parent, a married or single adult… we have a place for you! We offer more than just church on Sundays. We offer a place for you to belong, a place where you can serve, a place where you can grow in your Christian walk, and a place where you can fellowship with others who are right where you are in life.

Sunday School

Sunday School is a time for Small Group Bible Study.   This happens on Sunday mornings at 9:45AM. We offer a variety of classes for adults. We have classes for young adults, singles, married adults, men’s and women’s classes— you are sure to find a class that suits your individual needs.


Outreach Ministries

Our Outreach Ministries are designed to minister not only to those in our church family, but the community as well. 

Women’s Ministry

The ladies of TABC have many opportunities to learn more about the Lord, serve the Lord, and fellowship with one another through a variety of different activities and events.  We offer a Women’s Bible Study.  This is a wonderful opportunity for women to get deeper into God’s Word and challenge each other to be more like Christ. We also host Ladies Banquets throughout the year. Women love to get together! In today’s culture women long for connection with others and may be desperately lonely. We all need personal, face-to-face contact. It is our desire to minister to women in our church and community and to help them develop friendships and grow spiritually.

Men’s Ministry

In the Men’s Ministry at TABC, men of all ages and walks of life join together as brothers, united by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  We challenge men to be leaders and faithful
supporters in the church. We do this through a weekly Men’s Bible study that allows men to come together and fellowship with one another, hold each other accountable, and grow stronger in their faith and commitment to the Lord. You don’t have to be a “super Christian”, but rather a regular guy who is committed to growing closer to Jesus and to supporting and encouraging other men.

Service Opportunities

We believe that God has gifted everyone with certain gifts to be used to edify the Body of Christ and bring glory to His name. There are a wide variety of service opportunities for adults at TABC, some of which include:
  • Care Group Ministry
  • Celebration Choir
  • Multimedia Ministry
  • Ushers & Greeters